Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The first steps

Ok here it goes. Naked words revealing what might then lead to a naked mind. A naked mind protects the heart. I'm practicing being aware of reminding myself how often I'm not actually practicing awareness. Once removed from guilt it makes the whole process of knowing when you're not growing clearing. I'm growing into the knowledge of knowing when I'm not growing. Growning at these words its time to bend my spine to readjust myself with time. New York, not home, under flourescence, imagining the wealth of compassion coming into my mind's space to become my compass.
Om nama sivaya om nama sivaya om nama sivaya. This will be my post for meditations on as many things that will make my mind naked to my heart's pure, but supremely creative intentions. An active medium for the exposing of as many levels of myself as possible. A cataloguing of my own dialogue with what I try to see as being the only reality that I can at least in my fantasies attempt to make intelligible. I know that that is the impossible process, but then again...language is that impossible process of trying to make things intelligible. Haha how many masks of man will I try on before I leave the stage for Good? Take that "good" as a pun.

Thanks to the the unintelligible for making this mind/body connection concrete enough to type the type.

Peace Peace Peace

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